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Did you know that all of our papers are referenced in our
software among 100's of other esteemed researchers' peer reviewed and published papers.
Driver response time in cut-off scenarios from the Second Strategic Highway Research Program Naturalistic Database

Transportation research record
2676 (2), 706-717

Swaroop Dinakar, Jeffrey W Muttart, Darlene E Edewaard, Michael Giannone, Connor Dickson (2022)

Drivers’ Responses to Lead Vehicles: Thresholds for Triggering an Emergency Response, Age Differences, Crash Risks, and Influence of Secondary Task Engagement

SAE Technical Paper, 01-0898

Jeffrey Muttart, Swaroop Dinakar, Darlene Edewaard (2021)

Factors that Influence Drivers' Responses to Slower-Moving or Stopped Lead Vehicles

SAE Technical Paper, 01-0890

JW Muttart, M Kuzel, S Dinakar, S Gernhard-Macha (2021)

Systematic Degradation of Retroreflective Materials for Testing and Research

SAE Technical Paper, 01-0853

S Dinakar, J Suway, J Muttart, D Edewaard (2021)

Driver Response Times to Side Road Path Intrusions from SHRP-2 Naturalistic Database

Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 1525-1529

S Dinakar, J Muttart, J Suway, JS Forensics, J Marr, D Edewaard, A Enes (2020)

Checklist for expert evaluation of HMIs of automated vehicles—discussions on its value and adaptions of the method within an expert workshop

Information 11 (4), 233

Nadja Schömig, Katharina Wiedemann, Sebastian Hergeth, Yannick Forster, Jeffrey Muttart, Alexander Eriksson, David Mitropoulos-Rundus, Kevin Grove, Josef Krems, Andreas Keinath, Alexandra Neukum, Frederik Naujoks (2020)

Identifying hazard mitigation behaviors that lead to differences in the crash risk between experienced and novice drivers

University of Massachusetts Amherst

JW Muttart (2020)

Evaluation of a training intervention to improve novice drivers’ hazard mitigation when approaching left turn scenarios

Transportation research record 2673 (12), 474-484

JW Muttart, S Dinakar, DL Fisher, TM Garrison, S Samuel (2019)

Driver behavior in left turn across path from opposite direction crash and near crash events from SHRP2 naturalistic driving

SAE Technical Paper

S Dinakar, J Muttart (2019)

Influence of taillight brightness on the ability to recognize closing speed, closing distance, and closing vs. separating

Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 1868-1872

S Dinakar, JW Muttart, T Garrison, S Gernhard, J Marr (2018)

Nighttime Photography & Videography: Techniques & Tips

Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 61, 465-469

Jeffrey W Muttart, Swaroop Dinakar, Jeffrey Suway, Michael Kuzel, Suntasy Gernhard, Mitch Rackers, Thomas Schafer, Thomas Vadnais, Jaime Fischer (2017)

Influence of taillight width on the ability to recognize closing speed, closing distance, and closing versus separating

Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 61, 1894-1898

S Dinakar, J Muttart (2019)

Comparison of Glancing Behaviors of Riders and Drivers at Unsignalized Intersections Involving Right Turns

Driving Assessment Conference 9

Jeffrey Muttart, Wade Barttlett, Sarah Bakhtiari, Tingru Zhang, Siby Samuel, Tracy Zafian, Louis R Peck, Chris Kauderer (2017)

Evaluation of a Training Intervention to Improve Novice Drivers’ Hazard Mitigation Behavior on Curves

Driving Assesment Conference 9

Jeffrey W Muttart, Ravi Agrawal, Yalda Ebadi, Siby Samuel, Donald L Fisher (2017)

Utilizing Reflectance to Estimate Luminance of Objects in a Scene

SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-1367

JA Suway, J Muttart (2017)

Comparing a timed exposure methodology to the nighttime recognition responses from SHRP-2 naturalistic drivers

SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-1366

Jeffrey Muttart, Swaroop Dinakar, Jeffrey Suway, Michael Kuzel, Timothy Maloney, Wayne Biever, Toby Terpstra, Tilo Voitel, David Cavanaugh, TJ Harms (2017)

Is a Protocol for Measuring Aged Retroreflective Sheeting Warranted? Retroreflectivity Measurements of 191 Trailers from 36 States

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board 17-06767

Jeffrey W Muttart, Swaroop Dinakar, Jeffrey Suway, Michael Kuzel, David W Lohf, Timothy Maloney, Arnold G Wheat (2017)

Motorcyclists’ Glance Behaviors at Unsignalized Intersections: Left Turn across Path

Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board 17-06688

Jeffrey W Muttart, Wade Bartlett, Louis R Peck, Tracy M Zafian, Yusuke Yamani, Chris Kauderer, Donald Fisher, Siby Samuel, Swaroop Dinakar (2017)

The differences in hazard mitigation responses implemented by novice and experienced drivers

CRC Press 105-124

Jeffrey W Muttart, Donald L Fisher (2019)

The Influence of Driver Expectation when Recognizing Lighted Targets at Nighttime

SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-1417

Jeffrey Muttart (2015)

Driver responses to intruding vehicles turning-into-same-path scenario from SHRP-2 Naturalistic Database

S Dinakar, JW Muttart, S Appow, S Gernhard-Macha

Comparison of anticipatory glancing and risk mitigation of novice drivers and exemplary drivers when approaching intersections in driving simulator

Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board 14-5698

Jeffrey W Muttart, Donald L Fisher, Alexander Pollatsek (2014)

The view from the road: The contribution of on-road glance-monitoring technologies to understanding driver behavior

Pergamon 175-186

T Taylor, AK Pradhan, G Divekar, M Romoser, J Muttart, R Gomez, A Pollatsek, Donald L Fisher (2013)

Driving without a clue: Evaluation of driver simulator performance during hands-free cell phone operation in a work zone

Transportation Research Record 2018 (1), 9-14

Jeffrey W Muttart, Donald L Fisher, Mike Knodler, Alexander Pollatsek

Long term effects of hazard anticipation training on novice drivers measured on the open road

Proceedings of the… International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design 2011,187

Thalia GG Taylor, Kathleen M Masserang, Anuj K Pradhan, Gautam Divekar, Siby Samuel, Jeffrey W Muttart, Alexander Pollatsek, Donald L Fisher(2011)

Motorcyclist perception response time in stopping sight distance situations

Safety science 50 (3), 371-377

SR Davoodi, H Hamid, M Pazhouhanfar, JW Muttart

Quantifying driver response times based upon research and real life data

Driving Assessment Conference 3 (2005)

JW Muttart

Development and evaluation of driver response time predictors based upon meta analysis

SAE transactions, 876-896

JW Muttart

Relationship between relative velocity detection and driver response times in vehicle following situations

SAE Technical Paper

JW Muttart, WF Messerschmidt, LG Gillen

Backing collisions: a study of drivers' eye and backing behaviour using combined rear-view camera and sensor systems

Injury Prevention 16 (2), 79-84

David S Hurwitz, Anuj Pradhan, Donald L Fisher, Michael A Knodler, Jeffrey W Muttart, Rajiv Menon, Uwe Meissner

Glancing and stopping behavior of motorcyclists and car drivers at intersections

Transportation research record 2265 (1), 81-88

Jeffrey W Muttart, Louis R Peck, Steve Guderian, Wade Bartlett, Lisa P Ton, Chris Kauderer, Donald L Fisher, Joseph E Manning

Comparison of anticipatory glancing and risk mitigation of novice drivers and exemplary drivers when approaching curves

Driving Assessment Conference 7 (2013)

JW Muttart, JL Fisher, AP Pollatsek, J Marquard

Factors that influence drivers' response choice decisions in video recorded crashes

SAE Technical Paper

JW Muttart

Estimating driver response times

Handbook of Human Factors in Litigation, 422-454

JW Muttart

Influence of Age, Secondary Tasks and Other Factors on Drivers' Swerving Responses before Crash or Near-Crash Events

SAE Technical Paper

J Muttart

Determining when an object enters the headlight beam pattern of a vehicle

SAE Technical Paper

Jeffrey Muttart, Wade D Bartlett, Chris D Kauderer, Grant L Johnston, Matthew RE Romoser, Jan Unarski, Daniel Barshinger

Modeling passenger vehicle acceleration profiles from naturalistic observations and driver testing at two-way-stop controlled intersections

SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars-Mechanical Systems 3 (2010-01-0062) ,


S Kodsi, J Muttart

Evaluation of the influence of several variables upon driver perception response times. York, England

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Institute of Traffic Accident Investigators 116-129

JW Muttart

Effects of Retroreflective Material Upon Pedestrian Identification at Night

Accident Reconstruction Journal 1

JW Muttart

Driver response in various environments estimated empirically

Materiały Konferencji “Problemy rekonstrukcji wypadków drogowych”. Instytut Ekspertyz Sądowych w Krakowie. Kraków

JW Muttart

Development and evaluation of driver perception-response equations based upon meta-analysis

Transactions Journal of Passenger Cars-Mechanical Systems, 01-0885

JW Muttart

Evaluating driver response and ability to avoid a crash at night

Evaluating driver response and ability to avoid a crash at night

JW Muttart, M Romoser

Driver-eye-movement-based investigation for improving work-zone safety

DL Fisher, M Knodler, JW Muttart

Vehicle Acceleration: Observations and Test Results

Accident Investigation Quarterly

JW Muttart

Developing an adaptive warning system for backing crashes in different types of backing scenarios

Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 3 (1), 38-58

JW Muttart, DS Hurwitz, A Pradhan, DL Fisher, MA Knodler Jr

Predicting route choices of drivers given categorical and numerical information on delays ahead: effects of age, experience, and prior knowledge

Transportation research record 2248 (1), 104-110

Gautam Divekar, Hasmik Mehranian, Matthew RE Romoser, Jeffrey W Muttart, Per Garder, John Collura, Donald L Fisher

Comparing a timed exposure methodology to the nighttime recognition responses from SHRP-2 naturalistic drivers

SAE Technical Paper

Jeffrey Muttart, Donald Fisher, Chris Kauderer, Wade Bartlett, Louis Peck, Steve Guderian, Lisa Ton, Matthew Muttart

Influence of riding experience on glance behavior, brake response time and deceleration rates by drivers and motorcyclists

Driving Assessment Conference 6 (2011)

Jeffrey Muttart, Donald Fisher, Chris Kauderer, Wade Bartlett, Louis Peck, Steve Guderian, Lisa Ton, Matthew Muttart

Driver responses to Turn in Path (TIP) intrusion scenario from SHRP-2 Naturalistic Database

S Dinakar, J Muttart, S Appow, S Macha

Scientific Methods to Evaluate a Driver Response

SAE Technical Paper

J Muttart, S Dinakar, S Macha


JW Muttart, D Hurwitz, AK Pradhan, DL Fisher, M Knodler

Panel Discussion–Factors related to perceiving the relative speed of leading vehicles in high-speed rear-end crashes

Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 56 (1)


Michael E Maddox, Greg Fitch, Aaron Kiefer, Rudolf Mortimer, Jeffrey Muttart

Pavement Sensors for Monitoring Winter Roadway Conditions Along the Maurice J. Tobin Bridge

MA Knodler Jr, J Muttart

Copyright© 2005 SAE International

Human Factors in Driving, and Telematics, and Seating Comfort, 2005 1934, 51

JW Muttart, WF Messerschmidt, LG Gillen

Accident Dynamics Research

Handbook of Human Factors in Litigation, 403

JW Muttart

Scientific Methods to Evaluate a Driver

JW Muttart, S Dinakar, S Gernhard-Macha

Hazard mitigation when approaching Obstructed Intersections in a Simulator

Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board of the National Academies

JW Muttart, DL Fisher, AP Pollatsek (2014)

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